Weekly Spellings Homework
Weekly spellings will be made up of words from the Exception List (Y5 and Y6) and from the rule we have been learning in Class. These will be posted here as well as stuck in reading records each week. The children will then have a quiz the following week to see how well they have learnt the patters or groups of words. The children will use these words throughout the week at school, but should also revise them at home to help commit them to memory.
The Exception Words are a list of unusually spelled words (ones that do not follow a pattern). The expectation is that most children should be able to spell these by the time they leave Primary School. These words are all available in the middle of your pupil's reading record. The Y3 and Y4 words are also posted on this page for your reference.
Week 13 and 14:
We will use these last couple of weeks to revise all the patterns covered so far this term as well as the year 3/4 and 5/6 key words - which can be found at the bottom of this page and in reading records.
Week 12:
by, bye, buy, see, sea, right, write, weather, whether, no, know, poor, paw, pour, pore
Week 11:
their, knew, circumvent, circumnavigate, telemetry, television, refer, preferring, runner-up, tired-looking
Week 10:
transferring, inference, co-operate, cold-hearted, telescope, telephone, circumstance, circumference, there, where
Week 9:
definite, especially, harass, marvellous, opportunity, physical, programme, recognise, secretary, signature
Half Term Holiday:
Week 7:
Week 6:
curiosity, definite, desperate, especially, frequently, harass, immediate, marvellous, neighbour, opportunity
Week 5:
their, there, they're where, ware, were, two, too, to, knew, new, sight, site, hole, whole
Week 4:
circumstance, circumnavigate, circumvent, circumference, circumflex, circumfuse, circumlunar, circumpolar, circumstantial, circumsolar
Week 3:
telescope, teleport, telepathy, telegraph, television, telepathic, telephone, telethon, telemetry, telecommunication
Week 2:
well-adjusted, baby-blue, hot-pink, co-operate, cold-hearted, brightly-coloured, runner-up, ninety-five, re-form, tired-looking
Week 1:
transfer, transferring, transference, prefer, preferring, preference, infer, inference, inferring, refer