SAT results.
Our Key Stage Two results were as follows: 31 children in the cohort.
Brackets indicate the 2022 National average where known.
Reading 81% at Age Related Expectation (74%) with 32% higher than age related expectation (28%).
Writing TA 77% at Age related Expectation (69%) with 19% higher than age related expectation (13%).
Maths 68% at Age related Expectation (71%) with 29% higher than age related expectation (22%).
Ave scaled score for Reading 105
Ave scaled score for mathematics 105
Ave scaled score for Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 104
61% at reading, writing and maths combined age related expectations (59%)
16% at reading, writing and maths combined at higher than expected standard (7%).
Reading progress -0.6
Writing progress +0.9
Mathematics progress +0.8